The Radio and Space Physics Lab (RSPL) at the University of New Brunswick is involved in several aspects of near-Earth space physics. Specifically, study the ionosphere and its effects on radio communication and navigation systems. The RSPL group includes several research scientists, graduate and undergraduate students, and technical staff. Some specific projects of RSPL are outlined below.
The CHAIN project was the original project of the RSPL. It collects GPS and CADI data in order to measure and model the state of the ionosphere. There is data that has been collected since 2008. Currently, there is GPS data being actively collected from 25 sites across the far north of Canada. CADI data is being collected from 8 sites, colocated with several of the GPS sites.
The CHAIM project involves advanced modelling of the ionosphere. It incorporates data from CHAIN, as well as data from several other research groups around the globe. The output from the CHAIM project is software that uses the model data to predict electron content within the ionosphere and the input database files needed for these projections. This work is also provided as a web application that can be used directly to get predictions of ionospheric conditions.
The MODIS project is tasked with developing a new instrument to replace the current slate of CADI machines being used as part of the CHAIN project. These instruments are called ionosondes and use HF radio signals to bounce off the ionosphere to create an image of the conditions within the various plasma layers.
The GSWNCan project is planned to create a Canada-wide network of GNSS receivers. This network will be the single largest unified network of GPS sites in Canada, with 350 locations across the country. This will add to the data collected by the CHAIN project and be included within the models being developed by the CHAIM project. As well, this data will support several other research groups and industry partners across the country.