
Project Goal:

The goal of the Sanimut HF Measurement Platform project is developing the a low-power High Frequency (HF) system to be paired with artic and space-based measurement components.

Project Description & Details:

The Sanimut HF Measurement Platform contributes to a next generation, low power high frequency (HF) system for operation in hostile and remote environments such as spacecraft and arctic locations. The HF system is intended to be included as a standalone instrument in the existing Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN), operated by the University of New Brunswick’s physics department. The CHAIN network is characterized by ionospheric monitoring instruments in 26 locations throughout the Canadian Arctic. Currently two Sanimut-based Ionsondes are operating in Eureka and Resolute bay, see the stations page for active Sanimut HF systems.

The design of such a system takes advantage of the latest developments in software defined radio and signal processing technology to reduce power consumption and increase ionospheric measurement capabilities in high latitude regions of Canada. Synchronization of multiple ground and space-based deployments of the instrument could enable densification of a measurement network and possibilities of top and bottom side sounding data in highly dynamic ionospheric conditions, such as those in the Canadian Arctic region. This contrasts with existing technology that is often not intended for harsh operating conditions or uses a generic hardware platform not optimal for ionospheric monitoring.

The project will result in an HF system that has been proven to meet these criteria and is ready to be deployed. The HF system integrates in-house developed hardware with off-the-shelf components. This provides a unique opportunity to both undergraduate and graduate level students to take part in complex instrument design for scientific advancement. Students who become involved will learn how to use state of the art tools and design aids, they will have exposure to signal processing, radio frequency electronics, design for manufacture techniques, robustness and product lifetime analysis, digital design and systems level design.

The Sanimut-based Ionsonde project is funded under 'Category A' of the FAST 2019 Canadian Space Agency (CSA) grant.


Project Leads:

Dr. Torsten Reuschel, P.Eng. - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.