R-CHAIM assimilation runs

Please select one of the pre-existing runs from the list below. Finished runs end with ".zip". Files that are in some state of processing may have one of the following name endings:

Available Runs

The RCHAIM system is currently down and not accepting new run requests.

Rules of the Road

R-CHAIM is provided free to all users; however, if used for scientific purposes, please follow the below rules of the road:

  1. Any publication resulting from the use of this assimilation system must include the following acknowledgement: "E-CHAIM, A-CHAIM, and R-CHAIM are supported under Defence Research and Development Canada contract number W7714‐186507/001/SS and are maintained by the Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN) with operations support from the Canadian Space Agency."
  2. Please contact echaim at if you publish results using the model or assimilation systems. This information will help support future development and maintenance of the model and we will add your publication to our publications list (
  3. Users must provide a link to their assimilation run in any papers published using R-CHAIM. All runs will be preserved for ease of access by readers and reviewers.

Release Notes

Changes for version 1.2
- Fixed a bug in the sTEC indexing which caused some sTEC values to be associated with incorrect time stamps. This effected many sTEC arcs in the later half of every day during all previous assimilations. **All output from previous version have been removed and are not recommended for scientific use.**
- Improved data download logic. This now includes checking for substantial data loss due to server/network issues during the download phase. If these errors occur. the job will wait a specified amount of time and attempt these downloads again. This can happen up to 6 additional times before the job fails. This change will significantly improve the consistency in the amount of data available between jobs and ensure more data is available for all jobs.

Changes for version 1.1
- A fix to NOAA RINEX downloads and likely SMART RINEX downloads. The previous versions may not have had the NOAA and SMART RINEX data download properly and would therefore be missing in the assimilation.

Software Downloads

Below you will find a link to versions of the A-CHAIM software for Matlab and C that are used to generate the R-CHAIM output from the R-CHAIM assimilation runs.

R-CHAIM Project Lead:

Dr. David Themens - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.